ナンプレ(ナンバープレイス)が初めての方でも安心して楽しめる、 初心者向けのナンプレ100問集 です!
100問すべてが手作り! プログラムやAIは一切使わず、丁寧に作成しました。
ほとんどが簡単な問題! スムーズに解けるので、ナンプレ初心者でも挫折しません。
ルール解説つき! 初めての方でもすぐに始められます。
シンプルなレイアウト! 問題・解答のみのスッキリしたデザインで、余計な装飾はなし。
1ページ1問の見やすい構成! 集中して取り組めるので、スキマ時間の脳トレにもピッタリ!
スクショや印刷OK! スマホやタブレットで解いたり、印刷して紙で楽しむこともできます。
“Beginner-Friendly Sudoku 100 Puzzles”
~Simple & Handcrafted Puzzles for a Daily Brain Workout!~
This book contains 100 Sudoku puzzles designed especially for beginners! Even if you’re new to Sudoku, you can enjoy solving these puzzles with ease.
100 entirely handcrafted puzzles! No programs or AI were used—each puzzle was carefully created by hand.
Mostly easy difficulty! Perfect for beginners who want to solve puzzles without frustration.
Includes a rule explanation! If you’re new to Sudoku, you can start solving right away.
Simple layout! No unnecessary decorations—just the puzzles and answers for a clean and focused experience.
One puzzle per page! Making it easy to focus and solve each one at your own pace.
Take screenshots or print them out! Solve on your smartphone, tablet, or print them for a traditional paper experience.
Perfect for those looking for a simple and fun Sudoku book!
Whether you’re a complete beginner or just want a quick brain workout during your free time, this book is ideal for you.
Download now and start solving Sudoku today!